Homemade Pore Strips

Who loves Biore's pore strips? We do! Great news! Now you can make your own with just two ingredients! Our DIY pore strips will leave your skin as smooth as ever. Use them on your nose, or on your entire face. It's up to you! What You'll Need: 1) 1 TBSP Knox Unflavored Gelatin 2) 1 1/2 TBSP Milk img_4540-1Step 1: Mix ingredients together in a microwavable bowlimg_4541 img_4550Step 2: Heat mask for 10-15 seconds in the microwaveimg_4553-1Step 3: Apply mask to face immediately Step 4: Wait for mask to dry completelyimg_0789Step 5: Peel mask off slowlyimg_0791Step 6: Enjoy your smooth skin!img_0792What is your favorite DIY face mask?!
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